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Statistical Software

Develve is Statistical software specialized for statistical analysis. It can analysis, intemperate and presentate the data to get a detailed overview of the data behavior. It also helps to make a good test setup: sample sizes and DOE matrix.

Screenshot Develve statistical software

Test whatWith what statistical test
Difference in Mean t-test
Difference in Median non Normal dataWilcoxon–Mann–Whitney-test
Difference in Mean between multiple data setsOne way Anova
Difference in VariationVariation F-test
Difference in Variation non Normal dataVariation Levene test
If data set is normal distributedAnderson Darling normality test
Is the data according specificationCp Cpk % out of tolerance
If there is relation between two data setsCorrelation
Calculates the relation between data setsRegression
Difference in two proportions
(Data set with only good or false results)

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Reviews of Develve statistical software
