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Basic Statistics

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Basic Statistics
Cp Cpk % out of tolerance
Compare with
Calculate Difference
Diff mean normally
Diff median not normally
Diff variation normally
Diff variation not normally
Normally test

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For calculating the statistical properties of a data-set the data must entered in 1. the input table. The result of each column will be displayed in the underlying result array 3. and Graph image 2.

Select Basic in the statistical mode drop-down menu to use the Basic Statistics functions

1. Input table

The Input Table is for the data to be analyzed. If a data point is out of tolerance the text will be colored red, the tolerance borders must be entered in the result array 3. If a data point could be an outlier the cell is gray and for a extreme outliers dark gray. See the legend 6.
The amount of decimals behind the point can be changed in the box in the upper left corner.

2. Graphs

The graph of the data-set is life updated after data is entered. With the graph selector 8. the type of graph can be chosen. The graph can be made invisible or visible with the selector in the upper left corner Graph. By clicking on a graph a bigger version of the graph will be displayed in a pop-up.

3. Result table outlier

In this table the result will be displayed according the selection in the selection area 9. For comparing data sets put in the comparing column (the first row) the comparing column and this will be used for; t-test, F-test, and correlation calculations.
Row 2-4 is for the tolerance borders and nominal value, these will be displayed in the graphs and used for; Cp, Cpk and the % out of tolerance calculation.

9. Selection area

In the selection area the calculation to be executed can be selected.
nSize of data set
% Cp CpkCp Cpk % out of tolerance
DifferenceDifference in mean with the comparing Column
t-testTest for difference in mean
Normality testChecks if the data set is distributed according the normal distribution.
F-testTest for difference in variation
KurtosisIf the data set is flat or peaked distributed
SkewnessIf the data set is symmetrical distributed
CorrelationCorrelation between 2 data sets and the Regression
Min/MaxShows the minimum and maximum value

5. Statistical mode

When selecting DOE the DOE layout will be displayed.

What statistical tests

Test whatWith what statistical test
Difference in Meant-test
Difference in Mean between multiple data setsOne way Anova
Difference in VariationVariation F-test
If data set is normal distributedAnderson Darling normality test
Is the data according specificationCp Cpk % out of tolerance
If there is relation between two data setsCorrelation
Calculates the relation between data setsRegression
Difference in two proportions
(Data set with only good or false results)